I did Cardio for 30 days – here is what happened

Ever wondered what could happen if you did endurance training every day for 30 days? I did, so I gave it a shot. Starting with daily workouts, I wanted to see how my body and mind would change. It was tough at first to get motivated every day, but as time went on, I noticed a difference. My energy went up, and I felt more focused. Plus, I got stronger and fitter. By the end of the 30 days, I felt amazing!

I found a trick to keep myself going: starting early. I wake up at 5 a.m. for yoga or strength training, and then do other exercises throughout the day, like walking or running. I spend about an hour on exercise each day.

And the results were impressive! My body fat dropped from 20% to 17.1%. Even though there’s still room for improvement, having a routine made all the difference. I stuck to it, even when things got tough.

I also tried something called functional health, which measures lots of things in your body. Most of my results were good, showing that my body age is just 33.9, which is great!

This experience taught me the importance of sticking to a routine. So, if you want to make a positive change, try adding daily cardio to your routine. Thanks for reading, and don’t forget to subscribe for more tips like these!

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I’m Thomas Panas, PhD

I am on a journey to live healthier and have made many small but substantial changes to my life towards longevity. They range from nutrition changes to sleeping and exercise experiments using various tools. In this blog I share some of my findings.

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